All players will conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates good sportsmanship, fair play and respectful for the game, players, league, and sponsors. All players shall consider themselves representatives of their teams sponsor venues, SCDA and of the game of darts in terms of their conduct. Team captains or league officers shall handle any and all actions violating fair play. The Board of the SCDA reserves the right to discipline teams and/or players who violate the Code of Conduct, the integrity of the game or fair play as deemed necessary. The SCDA reserves the right to take any disciplinary action within its control, including but not limited to expulsions, bans, sanctions, suspensions, and the removal of prior achievements if such actions are warranted (as decided by the Board.)
It is expected of all players that while playing matches for the SCDA, every player will avoid discrimination, cheating, violence, threats, and any other action that might harm another person. Playing in any match or tournament sponsored by the SCDA shall be construed as understanding and agreement to this code of conduct and all SCDA and ADO (where applicable) rules.
As an individual participant in any SCDA event:
• I agree to adhere to the rules of the SCDA or the ADO when a rule is not specifically addressed by the SCDA.
• I agree to abide by the rules of the hosting venue while in attendance there.
• I agree not to commit any inappropriate sexual behavior or behavior that violates the rights of others.
• I agree not to be disrespectful regarding a person’s gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability or appearance.
• I agree not to harass anyone or create a hostile environment.
• I agree to dress appropriately for the venue/event at which I am attending.
• I agree not to use any Social Media platform or Public Forum in a manner that may reasonably be considered to injure or discredit the SCDA or any SCDA player or to bring the game of darts into disrepute.
And I acknowledge and agree to the following:
• The SCDA is not responsible for individual venue’s rules, policies or enforcement of such.
• The SCDA is not responsible for individual player behavior or actions.
• I assume all responsibility for personal injury, and further release and discharge the SCDA and it’s officer’s for injury, loss or damage arising from my or my family’s participation in any SCDA event or activity.
• Still photography and video recording may occur for the use of the SCDA.
• Player’s contact information (phone and email) will be distributed to other SCDA league players.
• I agree to allow the SCDA to contact me regarding league business.
• It is the discretion of the host venue to allow/disallow a team or player from patronizing their establishment.
• The SCDA does not condone over imbibing, but cannot be held responsible for any individual’s actions while under the influence.
• The SCDA will not tolerate any violence or destruction of personal or venue property.