Please scroll down to "To Sign Up for a Season" and get yourself signed up ASAP for the Summer Season that starts 5/22. Because of the short turn-around between seasons WE WILL EXTEND THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT YOUR TEAM TO TOMORROW WEDNESDAY MAY 17th. You only need to have a commitment from the Captain and 1 other player to field a team. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TO COMPLETE THIS if you know you are going to have a team and have secured your home location.
Congrats to the winners of the Spring Finals!
A Division
1st Place: MacKrakens
2nd Place: Paw-Ken Corkers
B Division
1st Place: Darty Deeds
2nd Place: FADA Bing
3rd Place: Mensches
C Division
1st Place: Darts Till Dawn
2nd Place: More Scotch
3rd Place: Them Stooges Be Trippin
Don’t forget that if you want to receive awards plaques for the Spring Season, you need to fill out the online form: